
Your Editing Career
 Launched 2.0 

Become a wildly successful professional editor in only 4 months—with guaranteed work after graduation

Become a wildly successful professional editor in only 4 months

—with guaranteed work after graduation


Your Editing Career
 Launched 2.0 

Become a wildly successful professional editor in only 4 months—with guaranteed work after graduation

Become a wildly successful professional editor in only 4 months

—with guaranteed work after graduation

Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 is the only program of its kind.
This comprehensive online course teaches you everything you need to know to perform high-quality copyediting, helps you establish your own thriving freelance editing business and guarantees you your first job.

Before I Tell You All About This
Life-Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For …

Before I Tell You All About This Life-Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For …

  • You love words and you’re passionate about good writing and communication.
  • You’ve got no shortage of ambition but you’re tired of working in a soulless job.
  • ​You are ready to build a career that allows you to be in ultimate control of your own life and time.

Whether you’re …

  • someone who has always dreamed of being an editor but never found the right opportunity and got side-tracked (stuck!) in another career
  • a corporate, government or university employee with the heart of an entrepreneur tired of the bureaucracy and fully aware you’re capable of so much more
  • someone who is beyond ready to take their life back, isn't afraid of a little hard work and knows that there’s no ‘right time’ to get started
  • or an editor with an established client list looking to level up your skills and increase your income

You’re in the right place, and I’m going to tell you exactly how Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 will give you all the skills, knowledge and unparalleled support you need on your journey to becoming a professional editor.

By the end of this program, you will have:

Gained a full and
in-depth understanding of grammar 
and have a firm grasp of the technical language needed to explain your corrections confidently to clients
Learned industry best practices
(and all our secrets!)
so you can perform high-quality copyediting to meet international publication standards
Mastered all the tasks of an editor
including formatting, referencing, editing indices and appendices, and dealing with complex tables, figures and images (giving you a massive advantage over people without this kind of advanced training)
Obtained a solid introduction to many editing specialisations
(e.g., fiction, academic, corporate and government, Indigenous, medical and scientific, and legal) and chosen your niche
  Set up your own freelance editing business
(including everything from your personal brand and website to your social media advertising) without wasting money or time
Developed strategies to market your services (even if you hate sales!)
and consistently bring in clients that you love working with

But above all else…

Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 will give you all the tools you need to finally earn a consistent income in a career you’re passionate about, along with the ultimate assurance of guaranteed work after graduation.

Learn from our expertise

Dr Lisa Lines, AE

Course Developer and Presenter

I’ve been an academic editor for over two decades, and I’ve been training editors to build successful careers for 15 years.

In that time, I’ve become one of Australia’s most experienced specialist academic editors and owned two of Australia’s most successful editing companies.

Most importantly, I’ve learned exactly what it takes to become a highly skilled and well-paid editor, and I’m able to pass that knowledge on to you through this course.

If you are committed to making this the year that you finally begin your dream career as an editor or step up and start earning what you deserve, I’m excited to show you exactly how to do it. I am passionate about helping people to achieve their career goals faster and more profitably.

Dr Nelson Mok

Course Coordinator

Nelson is an academic editor and researcher with experience in the fields of applied linguistics, education and philosophy. He is the Head Editor at Capstone Editing and an editor of the journal International Research in Early Childhood Education. Nelson is passionate about assisting training editors to reach their highest possible potential.

Amanda Webster, AE

Assistant Course Coordinator

Before becoming an editor, Amanda was an international roller skating athlete and coach. She’s a natural at motivating and mentoring people. 
A YECL alumnus, she knows exactly what it takes to complete the course and start a successful editing career. Amanda is a highly trained and talented editor, and she is adept at passing on her skills to our students.

Dr Sarah Pearce

Course Presenter

Sarah is a specialist academic editor, fiction editor, early career researcher and published poet. Her PhD is in English literature. As a content creator, copywriter and senior fiction editor, she brings a wealth of experience to the table. Sarah’s broad-ranging research, publishing and editorial experience equips her to train editors in a wide range of fields.

Dr Megan Cross

Course Presenter

Megan is a biochemist and medical and scientific editor. With over 13 years of research and publishing experience, Megan is passionate about science communication. She believes that complex scientific ideas can be understood by anyone if they are expressed clearly and purposefully to the target audience, and she teaches our students the skills to do just that.

Dr Penny Hayes

Course Coach

Penny is a copywriter, researcher and editor with formal training in economics and political studies. As a long-time university lecturer, Penny has considerable experience helping people to clarify the intended meaning in their writing—a crucial skill for an editor. 
Penny is also a YECL alumnus and will be a precious ally on your road to graduation.

Nina Giblinwright


Nina is an academic and legal editor with a background in environmental science. Exceptionally talented and with a fine eye for detail, Nina has been an editor for over a decade. She holds a Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing but found she learned far more during her time as a YECL student. 
Nina is keen to help our students achieve success.

‘I learned more in one intensive training weekend with Dr Lisa Lines than I did in my entire master’s program.’

Alex Milne—Graduate of a Master in Editing and Publishing

What’s inside

Preliminary Learning Stage

  • This stage will help set you up for success by providing you with introductory readings and key resources that apply to the entire course. 
  • It will establish a sound foundation of knowledge for the rest of the course.

Module 1

Advanced Grammar (18 units)

  • This module is where you will learn everything you need to know about how English works to equip you with the necessary skills to become a discerning editor. 
  • Many native English speakers will know that something is wrong in a sentence but will not be able to explain what the problem is or why it is a problem. 
  • Consisting of a massive (but doable!) 18 units, this module will build or expand your detailed and comprehensive knowledge of grammar and equip you with the technical language you need to explain and correct any grammatical quagmire.

Module 2

Advanced Copyediting (13 units)

  • After getting all your building blocks together in Module 1, you will start stretching your legs and climbing through the copyediting exercises of Module 2. 
  • With 13 units focused on the major issues you will face as a professional editor, this module will teach you how to handle not only text but also numbers, tables, lists, shortened forms and more.

Module 3

Formatting (9 units)

  • Whether you are a master formatter or a total beginner when it comes to Word’s advanced functions, this module’s 9 units—along with its extensive exercises, demonstrations and materials—will teach you the leading industry practices to polish any document. 
  • First impressions count, and it’s the same with formatting. If you return a messy document to a client, most will not be able to see past the untidy exterior to your amazing editing work. 
  • This module, with units on topics such as Word’s Styles and how to format tables and figures, will give you the skills you need to make any document shine.

Module 4

Referencing (9 units)

  • Referencing is an integral part of not only academia but also editing as an industry. It is a vital skill that all editors need but that editing courses rarely teach! 
  • Recognising others’ hard work is important, and one of your roles as an editor is to ensure your clients are giving credit where it is due. 
  • Throughout this module’s 9 units, you will learn how to apply referencing styles, including APA and Chicago, and gain a valuable understanding of the importance of correct referencing.

Module 5

Editing Specialisations (13 units)

  • After learning the essential knowledge, skills and practices of editing, Module 5 will provide you with insider information on editing specialisations, including legal, medical and scientific, fiction, academic, indigenous, and government and corporate editing.. 
  • Other units in this module include editing for inclusive language. 
  • This is where you can really try out each of the major editing specialisations and get a head start in establishing a niche for yourself.

Module 6

The Business of Editing (5 units)

  • Being the best copyeditor in the world won’t help you to achieve your dreams if you don’t also know how to find clients and work with them! 
  • This module will cover everything you need to know about branding and marketing, including how to set up your first website, how you should value your services and how to sell when you hate sales!

Module 7

Exam (4 units)

  • Don’t be scared! This module is designed to prepare you for the final exam before you sit it, and it includes a practice exam. 
  • This module has a dual purpose. Not only will you cement your learning and see how much you’ve learned and where you still need to improve but you’ll also be able to prepare further to sit for your country’s editor accreditation exam now or any time in the future.

Additional Resources

  • This course is always evolving. We are continually creating additional resources for this module. These materials are heavily shaped by the course participants themselves because we want you to get the most out of your learning experience. 
  • This module currently includes webinars on aspects of working as a copyeditor outside of the copyediting itself (such as OH&S and advice about technology) and videos and readings on other topics.

Guaranteed Work
 After Graduation!

When you pass the course (which means completing the entire course and passing the final exam with a grade of 70% or higher), you’ll be offered an eight-document paid trial with Capstone Editing, which includes additional training and significant individualised feedback to further enhance your skills and deepen your knowledge

Meet set standards during the trial (and we will be highly invested in ensuring you do!), and you’ll be offered an ongoing position with Australia’s premier academic editing company, Capstone Editing.

When you enrol during this special, limited time, you’ll receive:

Your Editing Career Launched 2.0

  • Lifetime access to all course modules, including all future course updates
  • Testing, teaching and feedback to ensure you are integrating what you are learning into your practice
  • Exercises to complete each step of the way to cement your learning
  • Detailed course readings, handouts and resources packed full of essential knowledge
  • ​4 months of live support via our members-only Facebook group, email and phone
  • Guaranteed work upon graduation in the form of a paid trial with Capstone Editing and the opportunity for ongoing work!

Special Bonuses

receive These Bonuses If You Pay Upfront

  • 3 additional months of unlimited support via email, phone and our Facebook group
  • ​A masterclass on the critical topic of ‘How To Boost Your Sales With Your Payment Methods’. This video covers the pros and cons of all the major payment platforms (and some not quite so well known ones that are fabulous for small business owners), how many payment methods to have and why, and all the details on how to apply for accounts and integrate them into your website to receive payments quickly and easily from your clients
  • A template set of terms and conditions (or client contract) to customise for your own website, written by Capstone Editing’s corporate lawyer and based on our decades of experience in the industry

Learn how to recession-proof your freelance editing business

Enrol in Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 Today

We are making it easier than ever before for you to achieve financial freedom by
a freelance editor or improving your editing business





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Here’s what our graduates are saying?

Teresa Balfour Brown

Jennifer Vieyra

Jan Scanlon

Before I commenced the YECL course, I thought I had a reasonably firm grasp of grammar, punctuation and editing practices. How wrong I was! YECL has taught me so much about the finer points of written English expression. The course is extremely comprehensive. YECL provides participants with an extensive range of resources, which I know I will consistently draw on as I progress through my editing career. I cannot recommend this course enough to anyone considering a career in professional editing.

Megan Abel

Enrolling in YECL was a life-changing decision for me. I spent years agonising over the fact that I haven’t been able to use my bachelor’s degree in English and Communications. After completing YECL, I felt confident in my skills and assured of the value I could bring to projects. Only four months after beginning the course, I was able to shift out of retail and secure a job in editing! I am now on a fulfilling and education-relevant career path, and I have the team at Capstone Editing to thank!

Debby Vinciullo

At last, I have found the editing course I've been looking for! Capstone's Your Editing Career Launched is fully comprehensive, providing online video lectures in a relaxed style, in-depth notes, additional resources and specialist advice. The Capstone staff are very generous with support and feedback. 

I'm loving this course! It's challenging, stimulating and rewarding—and very useful preparation for the Institute of Professional Editor’s accreditation exam.

Jo Smith

The YECL course is an inspiring and comprehensive course. The Capstone Editing team is extremely well qualified, knowledgeable, professional and helpful. When I began, I was a little overwhelmed by the idea of learning all the intricacies of grammar, but by the end of the course, I felt completely confident to tackle the final exam and begin working as an editor. I highly recommend Your Editing Career Launched to anyone who aims for excellence in their editing career.

Larissa Roberts


When does the course start?
Whenever you like! You could start today, next month or even later in the year. Enrolling now means you can take advantage of our current pricing and bonuses (available for a very limited time only), and the course will be waiting for you when you are ready.

This is a self-paced, recorded course with no time limit. Just keep in mind that your 4 months of live support will start once you sign up for the program unless you contact us to request that we put it on hold.
What is the cost?
The cost for the course with lifetime access and 4 months of live support is US$4,047. Occasionally, we offer discounts, which will be advertised on this page.
Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes! You can spread the cost over a year with 12 monthly payments of US$338. Occasionally, we offer discounts, which will be advertised on this page.
What is your refund policy?
When you decide to enrol in Your Editing Career Launched 2.0, we ask that you show up for yourself and your editing business the way you want your own clients to—100% all in and ready to go!

Enrolling in the course is a commitment and not a membership or subscription that can be cancelled. Due to the instant access nature of the program, we do not offer refunds under any circumstances.

You are responsible for completing all of your payments if you enrol using the payment plan option.
Can I learn at my own pace?
Yes, absolutely! YECL is flexible and self-paced. You can spend as much or as little time on it every week as you need to. The course is yours indefinitely.
I’m busy. What if I don’t have enough time to finish in 4 months?
No worries, you don’t need to complete the course in 4 months. With lifetime access to the program, you have the flexibility to study when your schedule allows.

If you would like to extend your live support beyond 4 months, you can easily purchase additional months by emailing us at
How are the lessons presented?
Each unit has a video lesson with subtitles, course readings, downloadable exercises and answers (in Word format), and lesson slides. Some units have bonus resources such as checklists, planners and guidelines.
What hardware and software do I need?
You’ll need a laptop or desktop that runs Microsoft Word for Windows.
What can I expect in the exam?
Our comprehensive course prepares you perfectly for the online YECL exam. You’ve got nothing to worry about, so long as you follow the course materials, complete all the exercises and make the best use of our live support!

The exam is a 3-hour open book test, very similar to national accreditation exams. The questions will be a mix of short answers, medium-length answers, multiple choice questions and practical editing tasks.

You will complete a practice exam before you take the final exam, so you will know beforehand what to expect.
How do I qualify for the guaranteed work?
You just need to pass the course! To pass, you must complete the entire course and pass the final exam with a grade of 70% or higher. Then, you’ll be offered an eight-document paid trial with Capstone Editing, which includes additional training and significant individualised feedback to further enhance your skills and deepen your knowledge. Meet set standards during the trial (and we will be highly invested in ensuring you do!), and you’ll be offered an ongoing position with Australia’s premier academic editing company, Capstone Editing.
What are the prerequisites to take the course? Do I need a college education?
No, you don’t need a college education. While most editors have at least an undergraduate degree, this course is for you even if you’ve only finished high school. We have an alternative preliminary learning module for anyone who needs to start at a beginner’s level with their study of grammar.
What is the passing grade?
The passing grade of the final exam is 70% overall and 60% in each of the three sections, and you must have completed 100% of the course to sit the exam.
What happens if I don’t pass?
If you don’t pass the final exam, meaning your score was below 70%, you will have two options:
1. Receive a Certificate of Participation and use everything you’ve learned to establish your freelance editing business and find your first clients.
2. Purchase another 4 months of live support, review the course and take the final exam again.
What is the time commitment to graduate in 4 months?
There isn’t an exact answer to that question because everyone reads and learns at different speeds. Generally, it takes approximately 15 to 20 hours per week to complete the course in 4 months.
Do I need to purchase any additional resources?
No, we’ve got you covered! We’ve developed incredibly in-depth course readings and resources to ensure Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 is self-contained. While we do recommend further reading for those who wish to continue and extend their learning, it isn’t necessary to complete the course.

Do you have another question? Please reach out by emailing us at
We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Learn how to recession-proof your freelance editing business

Enrol in Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 Today

We are making it easier than ever before for you to achieve financial freedom by
a freelance editor or improving your editing business





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What happens when I buy?

  • As soon as you hit the ‘submit’ button after entering your payment information, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Your Editing Career Launched 2.0, and you’ll receive instant and complete access! Congratulations!
  • ​You will receive an email from Thinkific (our online learning platform) with your login details and another from us with info on the steps you need to take to join our members-only Facebook group to access the main form of your live support.

Our Amazing Graduates

I thought I had an in-depth understanding of the technicalities of grammar, but YECL taught me so much more! My confidence in editing grew with every module, and I’ve now secured a higher paying and more prestigious job as an editor. And it's all thanks to Dr Lisa Lines and YECL!

Mashal Shamsi

I was already an editor when I enrolled in YECL, but I was only editing scientific articles. I wanted to expand on my training and increase my work opportunities, which YECL has allowed me to do. This course has helped me build an exceptionally successful career as an editor.

Katie Lowe

YECL is providing me with the targeted knowledge, support and practice I need. It’s comprehensive and detailed. The self-directed format allows me to concentrate on the areas in which I need the most help, and its practical focus will lead to a more secure way to earn a living.

Kate Rice

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