Editing for Conscious & Inclusive Language

How to edit for sensitivity and diversity to harness the power of language to create a more compassionate, inclusive and equitable society


What you’ll learn

In the modern world, it’s crucial to ensure the language you edit is free of stereotypes, biases and other forms of discrimination.

In this session, you’ll learn practical, effective ways to apply the standards of conscious and inclusive language in your editing and communications work. This session covers: 

  • Conscious and inclusive language and when to use it
  • ​Conscious and inclusive editing and why it’s so important
  • ​How to identify and address hidden biases that hinder conscious and inclusive writing or editing
  • ​The many topics that require conscious and inclusive editing, such as:
  • Sex and gender
  • ​Race, ethnicity, religion and nationality
  • ​Disability and health
  • ​Social constructs
  • How to work with authors and stakeholders to deliver conscious and inclusive texts

What Is Conscious and Inclusive Language and Why Is it Essential?

The use of conscious and inclusive language is vital to all communications today. Language that is not conscious or inclusive risks offending or excluding the perspectives of individuals or groups and can even perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

Conscious language is respectful and acknowledges the dignity and humanity of all. It combines critical thinking and compassion to make us more aware of how language may affect others and to help us avoid reinforcing stereotypes, biases or discrimination.

Inclusive language recognises and welcomes the diversity of people in society. It avoids essentialist assumptions and is culturally appropriate for individuals and groups from different backgrounds.

Therefore, conscious and inclusive language is sensitive to and celebrates the diversity of individuals and groups in society. It avoids all forms of discrimination and promotes respect, equity and inclusivity. 

Why Training in Conscious and Inclusive Language Is Essential for All Editors

Professional editors play a crucial role in shaping the language we use across all forms of communication. Language has an immense power to influence how people think and act, so it is essential that editors are equipped with the knowledge and skills to use language consciously and inclusively.

With this specialised training, you’ll develop a nuanced understanding of conscious and inclusive language and how to use it effectively and sensitively in any context. 

This masterclass will allow you to:

  • Have a deep and sensitive understanding of the audience of any text
  • ​Understand how identity and lived experience can shape how language affects people
  • ​Recognise and address language that is exclusionary or insensitive or marginalises individuals or groups
  • ​Use language that reflects diversity and acknowledges different perspectives and experiences
  • ​Help authors to communicate effectively while promoting equity and compassion
  • ​Stay up-to-date with the best practices and guidelines for editing for conscious and inclusive language

Editing for conscious and inclusive language is a crucial skill for editors, allowing them to create and refine texts to be inclusive and respectful of all readers and subjects. This training will enable editors to contribute to a more equitable society and promote positive social change through language.

Training So Valuable We Made It Free

Despite this being a critical area of competence for editors today, most editorial training providers do not include units on conscious and inclusive language, and those that do charge excessive fees.

At Capstone Editing, we believe that editors at all career stages should have access to these skills to increase their value to a wide range of clients and make vital contributions to a better society for all.

That’s why we’re offering this masterclass for free, to ensure this essential knowledge is accessible to everyone.

This Masterclass Is a
Must-Attend If You’re …

  • Working in a communications role
  • Thinking of starting a lucrative, flexible career in editing
  • An established editor who recognises the need for high-quality training in this crucial area

Any professional who works with written communication has a role in shaping language and should attend this masterclass on editing for conscious and inclusive language.

Whether you work as a freelancer or in a corporate setting, government agency or non-profit organisation, this webinar will help you to enhance your skill set and ensure that your work is inclusive, respectful, and reflective of the diverse range of people you serve.

About Your Masterclass Host

Symone Lindsay
Course Presenter
Bachelor of International Business and Bachelor of Management

Symone is Capstone’s key trainer and presenter. She is passionate about communication and uses her motivating, personable presentation style to help participants engage deeply with the YECL coursework. Symone also runs a highly successful freelance marketing business, which allows her to provide valuable insights to course participants who are looking to launch or expand their freelance editing careers.

About Capstone Editing

Capstone Editing is a specialist academic editing company. Our commitments to high-quality academic editing and developing the editing profession through our educational offerings underpin everything we do.

We love to give back to the community, such as through our Scholarship and Grant Program, which supports students and researchers at all levels. Recipients often include women and Indigenous researchers.

Offering this free masterclass on editing for conscious and inclusive language is another way for us to give back to the community and continue our work to create a better, more inclusive society. 

About Capstone Editing

Capstone Editing is a specialist academic editing company. Our commitments to high-quality academic editing and developing the editing profession through our educational offerings underpin everything we do.

We love to give back to the community, such as through our Scholarship and Grant Program, which supports students and researchers at all levels, including female and Indigenous recipients.

Offering this free masterclass on editing for conscious and inclusive language is another way for us to give back to the community and continue our work to create a better, more inclusive society. 


About your masterclass host

Symone Lindsay
Course Presenter
Bachelors of International Business and Management

Symone is a professional actor and presenter with a background in international business and management. Unlike many of our professional editors, she’s completely at home in front of the camera, and her passion for presenting means she’s the perfect fit to deliver our expert-written content. 

Symone’s motivational and personable style allows students to engage deeply with the YECL coursework to help them on their journey to success.


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